How Can I Make My Grass Thicker And Greener?
Thicker, healthier, and more beautiful. Do these words describe your lawn goals? Well, success might be closer than you think. Transforming your thin and lackluster grass into a thicker and healthier lawn isn’t hard to achieve.
However, it takes more than regular mowing. With proper care and maintenance, your lawn will look thicker and healthier. Having a green and abundant lawn will serve as a great host for parties, picnics, barbecues, and other summer activities.
Here are 5 lawn care tips for a thicker, greener, and healthier lawn:
1. Test Your Soil
You should test your soil in order to get the most out of every step to a greener and thicker lawn. We recommend testing your soil’s nutrient and pH levels every 2 years. A soil test takes the guesswork out of lawn care. It will give you an accurate starting point for your lawn’s needs and recommendations to fix any underlying problems. For example, if your soil pH is too low, your grass can’t take up nutrients it needs.
2. Fertilize
So just like other plants, lawn grasses need food too. We recommend using natural fertilizers instead of synthetic lawn fertilizers because they are better for your grass, the environment, and proven to work better. Fertilization throughout the growing season will help provide the nutrients your grass needs for thicker and healthier growth.
3. Mow Properly
Don’t mow based on your weekly calendar. You should mow according to your lawn needs. Did you know different grass species have different needs in terms of grass cutting height? So, how often to maintain your grass type at its recommended mowing height. You should also maintain your lawnmower so its blades cut nice and sharp to cut effectively instead of tearing at grass.
4. Control Weeds
Pull up your weeds. The more weeds you have, the less resources your grass receives. You don’t want your grass to compete for water, sunlight, and nutrients. It’s important to control weeds to eliminate the competition so your grass can stay thicker and healthier.
5. Irrigate
Follow good lawn and water practices. Invest in an irrigation system to give your lawn adequate water to keep it thick and strong. Growing grass seeds need constant moisture until seedlings develop and fill in between existing lawns. And when your lawn is established, water it deeply and less often. Deep and thorough irrigation encourages the deep root growth thicker lawns need. We recommend that you water your grass with 1 inch of water once a week. However, this amount can vary depending on your soil type, grass species, and local weather conditions.
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